A lot goes into marketing your property to potential tenants, and staging the property is a huge part of the marketing process. However, not all landlords and property owners are convinced that staging their property is worth the time and money spent. This article reviews whether staging a rental property is worth the investment.
The Pros of Staging Your Rental
Staging your rental property can make it stand out from the competition. It shows that you put effort into maintaining that space which can appeal to potential tenants. If an applicant sees that you take time and pride in your property, they can assume that you’re someone who cares, and you’ll appear more responsible and reliable. Staged properties generally have higher rental rates, which means you can potentially charge more. So, if you’re looking to rent to tenants with a higher income, staging your rental property may be a good option for you.
The Cons of Staging Your Rental
The biggest downside to staging your rental property is how much it costs. The amount of time and detail work that goes into staging a home is significant and requires dedication. In addition, if your property is in an area with a fast-moving market, it’s not worth your time as tenants flip fast through listings. Staging a property works best in a slow-moving market where potential tenants can take their time looking through listings to see if a property suits them.
Is It Worth the Investment?
Deciding whether staging a property is worth the investment depends entirely on your situation. Staging is your best option if you want to increase your rent or rent to people with a higher income. However, you may be wasting your energy if you don’t have the time or financial resources. This is especially true if your prime tenant audience generally has a lower income. However, it also depends on what kind of landlord you want to come across as; typically, it’s a good idea to show your property some TLC regardless of who you’re renting to.
If you decide to stage your property but aren’t sure what it should look like, Excalibur Homes has online listings of rental properties in Decatur, Georgia, so you can see what a professional listing and staging looks like. And if you’re still unsure, our property management group can help make your property look its best and do all the marketing for you.